North Central residents and homeowners you are warmly invited to a neighborhood listening session on Saturday April 23rd at 1pm at St. James AME Zion Church.

Meet your neighbors! We will discuss how we should move forward after the Bike Lane Project. We'll identify our priorities for improving safety, parking, and traffic & come together to speak up for our neighborhood!
Do you live in North Central? Our North Central neighborhood is bounded by East 4th Avenue, Peninsula Avenue, San Mateo Drive, and Highway 101 in the City of San Mateo, California
Junta de vecinos norte central 1pm Sábado 23 de Abril Iglesia de St James AME Zion, 825 Monte Diablo Ave
Conversación comunitaria sobre el Proyecto Carril de Bicicletas, estacionamiento, seguridad y próximos pasos: - ¡Alcemos nuestras voces para nuestro vecindario! - Discutiremos como mejorar la seguridad, el estacionamiento, y el tráfico.
You can help spread the word to your neighbors by printing and distributing this bilingual flyer! Please share on Facebook & Instagram too!
