Amourence Lee ยท LIKE IT IS with MAYOR LEE
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I have lived and worked all over the world, and am proud to call San Mateo home. Both my kids are born and raised San Mateans, attending our public schools. My path to council started when I became a mom. I joined the San Mateo Parent's Club, PTA board, and served as president of our Home Association of North Central San Mateo, then Vice Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission.

I was appointed to the City Council in 2019 and elected in 2020 by over 24,000 voters in the largest election in our City's history. I was propelled to office by a 100% volunteer, multi-generational, and diverse coalition. In 2022, I was confirmed as Mayor, as the first Asian American woman and Jew of Color to hold the office. 

I grew up on welfare and in public housing, working two jobs in high school. My life was saved by good policies and since then, I have been unapologetically and audaciously driven to protect our democracy and ensure everyone can live with dignity and have a chance to succeed.

As a mother, nonprofit executive, and successful businesswoman, I have dedicated my life to creating healthy communities and families. I have extensive training in public policy and public health from Columbia University, combined with a 15+ year career building strong organizations and communities. On the council, 
I champion San Mateo's values of inclusivity, prosperity and resilience.

I know what is possible when communities come together, and I envision a future for all of us, that doesn't sacrifice what makes our City so special. We face generational social and economic challenges. Too many San Mateans are being left behind, priced out and excluded from our governance. 

In the community and in City Hall I have a demonstrated record building bridges that bring us together and forward. Every day I'm grateful for this opportunity to work for every San Matean.


Amourence Lee
& Former Mayor
City of San Mateo


Pregnant at Laurelwood Park - before the playground was built.


North Central Neighborhood Cleanup at the King Center.


Taking the oath of office at City Hall.


Receiving Commendation for Leadership.

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