For Immediate Release No. 20210204-009
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Police Launch Data Transparency Page
The San Mateo Police Department has launched a data transparency web page to include policing data, traffic collision information, and the existing crime map. Users can also request public records, obtain a police report, and access department policies and training plan through the police accountability portal.
The San Mateo Police Department continuously strives to be a progressive leader among law enforcement agencies. The department wants to ensure public information is accessible for review and use by members of the public. Access to public records is an important priority for us as we believe that public trust is essential to good community policing strategies and maintaining accountability.
Providing information online about the way we work and the policies that govern us is just one of San Mateo Police Department’s transparency initiatives. The ability to readily access public information encourages inclusion, keeps residents better informed about police department operations, crime trends, and encourages them to help us keep their community safe.

The policing data webpage displays data on the following:
Citizen Initiated Calls
Officer Initiated Calls
Police Reports
Internal Investigations
Officer Involved Shootings
Assault on Officers
Use of Force
Workforce Diversity

The traffic collision data webpage displays data on the following:
Injury Collisions
Hit-and-Run Collisions
DUI-Related Collisions
Private Property Collision
Citation Information (coming soon)
Safe Streets San Mateo Campaign
The crime mapping webpage displays data on the following:
Calls for Service
Crime Reports
Missing Persons
We want to ensure that useful information about the police department can be easily found by citizens with a click of a button. Check back as more information is added in the future.
Data Transparency Web Page
Police Accountability Web Page