San Mateo made headlines! We are advancing innovative solutions to pedestrian/bike safety and ways to support our local restaurants.
Our City is reimagining our streets through the Safe Streets Initiative and considering ideas to close streets downtown and on 25th Avenue for outdoor dining. This could allow for restaurants to increase their seating capacity safely with social distancing.
The Citizens Environmental Council of Burlingame hosted a panel discussion: "How can we sustain the benefits of nature’s rebound once shelter-in-place orders end?" Local leaders shared how local cities are minimizing their impact on the planet, balancing conservation and consumption, and offering more clean-tech and green jobs.
Millbrae Councilwoman Ann Schneider: Circular Economy
San Mateo Councilwoman Amourence Lee: Reimagining Our Streets (Link to Presentation)
Justine Burt, author of “The Great Pivot”
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